The Washington Post

I was contacted by a staff writer for the Travel section of The Washington Post, Andrea Sachs, about the fairy doors in Ann Arbor.

She came to town and interviewed my wife, Kathleen and me. Together with her friend/co-worker and her friend's sister (a UofM student) we took a tour of some of the doors. It was a lot of fun...I imagine I talked their ears off, with Kathleen's help! Kathleen is a professional talker!...a Kindergarten teacher and a story teller.

This is what Andrea wrote :
(clik on it to get the whole story)

Ann Arbor Proudly Presents: The Doors

Andrea Sachs
of The Washington Post

as she is supervised by Jane
(look beyond her)

Andrea Sachs
of The Washington Post
and entourage.
Other papers that have picked up the Washington Post story:
(I did not link to them as it is the same story)
Andrea Sach's
article as it appeared in The Washington Post on
Sunday,April 23, 2006
Canton OH
(ok! The name of this paper makes me laugh)
Under the Headline:
"Believe in fairies?"
(April 27)
North Carolina
Under the Headline:
"Little Wonders College town sprouting a crop of 'fairy' doors"
(April 28)
Seattle, Washington
Under the Headline:
"Take the 'fairy door' route through Michigan town"
(April 28)
Evansville, Indiana
Under the Headline:
"Tiny doors open a fanciful mystery"
(April 30)
St. Paul, Minneapolis
Under the Headline:

"Ann Arbor is opening doors to fanciful visitors"
(April 30)
Everett, Washington
(The Daily Herald)

Under the Headline:

"Fairyland's doors pop up in Michigan town"
(April 30)
Chicago area
Under the Headline:

"Tiny tourists plant doors in Ann Arbor, Mich."
(April 30)
(The Oakland Press, The Macomb Daily & Heritage Newspapers)

Under the Headline:

"Ann Arbor adds another escape route: ‘Fairy doors’"
(April 30)
Modesto, California
Under the Headline:

"It's a small world, after all"
(April 30)
Columbus, Ohio
Under the Headline:

"Small attraction makes big splash among believers in college town"
(May 7)
Knoxville, Tennesee
Under the original Headline:
"Ann Arbor proudly presents: the doors"
(April 30)
Fayetteville, North Carolina
Under the Headline:
"Ann Arbor fairy tales"
(May 7)
St. Luois Missouri
Under the original Headline:
"Ann Arbor proudly presents: The doors"
(May 7)
Concord, New HAmpshire
Under the original Headline:

"Fairy doors
Ann Arbor is home to a tiny phenomenon where art meets imagination"
(May 7)
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Under the original Headline:
"Ann Arbor proudly boasts 'fairy doors'"
(May 7)
From an e-mail:
"... Just wanted to let you know that the Ithaca Journal (Ithaca NY - home of Cornell U.) carried the Washington Post article too. ... It was in the travel section of Saturday April 29th, page 11A."

From another e-mail:
"... I wrote to tell you the
story of your Fairie Doors was in our Sunday Tallahassee Democrat, and I had to
look them up!... "

News spreads fast, eh?
I don't even know ALL the papers who might have picked the story up. These are just from a quick search of papers that also have web-sites... and some tips from fairy-finders across the country and into other ones!
Ottawa, Canada
Under the original Headline:
"Fairy odd: Tiny doors popping up in Ann Arbor"
(May 20)
ok....I think I am bored with mapping the cities that picked up the Post article.
(still delighted! Just distracted by other things)


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This is where it (fairy doors) all began — the concept, the phenomenon. This site is all about the Fairy Doors in Ann Arbor, Michigan (the original fairy doors) and what illustrator, Jonathan b. Wright , certified fairyologist, discovers about them. It includes photographs of the Fairy Doors, comments in the Fairy Journals, Observations and speculations about the Fairies. Tiny Doors, Urban Fairies®, Faery, Faeries, Fairy, Fairies, miniature doors, tiny doors, little doors, tiny fairy doors, little fairy doors, little faery doors, tiny faery doors, weensy doors, Sweetwaters Coffee & Tea, Peaceable Kingdom, Jefferson Market, The Ark, The Ann Arbor Framing Company, Selo Shevel Gallery, Lakewood Elementary Kindergarten, Fairy ticket window, Found Gallery, Mott Children's Hospital, The Michigan Theater, Google Offices, Nicola's Books, Found Gallery, Flying Pumpkin Cottage, fairy entrances, fairy windows, fairy spaces, fairy store, fairy shop, Flat Fairies, Clarence the Bridge Troll, fairy droppings. The site will be updated frequently with new excerpts from the Fairy Journals, New fairy sightings, Specifics about each location a fairy map. Any new knowledge of the fairy activity will be passed along by Jonathan. Also on this site are some hidden fairy surprises and a list of Frequently Asked Questions about Fairies. There is a brief history of how Jonathan became involved with the Urban Fairies®. There are links to local publications about the Urban Fairy® phenomenon. Jonathan is currently writing several books on the fairies in collaboration with his wife, Kathleen, who coincidentally has found a fairy door in her kindergarten classroom. Hopefully it will be fun and informative to come back and see what's new with the Urban Fairies of Ann Arbor.

of the turn of the (last) century
since 1993