
HOME PAGE: a fun place to start exploring. There's more than you might expect.

BOOK REPORT: Updates on the books being wrtten, illustrated & published will be posted here.

Who's Behind the Fairy Doors?: A sneek peek at the first book from Urban Fairies Operations

The Making of Who's Behind...?: A look at the process of creating the book.

Urban Fairies EVENTS: Find out what is scheduled.

Urban Fairies PAST EVENTS: Find out what happened.

Rolling Sculpture Car Show 2007: Photos and details of the event.

FaerieCon 2007 Philadelphia: Photos and details of the event.

Meet the Author at Nicola's Books: Photos and details of the event.

Evidence of Urban Fairies SHOW: Photos & details of the event, The University of Michigan Hospital, Ann Arbor, MI.

ACTUAL BLOG: A "real" LiVEJOURNAL Blog with interactivity.

ACTUAL BLOG: A "real" BLOGGER Blog with interactivity.

ufo NEWS blog: A sort of bloggish spot for recent developments.


COOL LINKS: Some are directly related to fairies (or faeries)... others... not so much.

MYTHOLOGY & HISTORY: A brief biography of me and history of the Urban Fairies.

LOCATIONS: Some places That you might find Urban Fairies.

Red Shoes: A beautiful red fairy door with a half-round window above and a door inside which opens onto a yellow brick "road".

Our House: This is the place where we first imagined fairies living with people.

The Hallway: The very first fairy door discovery.

The Fireplace: The second, and most elaborate fairy structure in our house.

The Kitchen: The third and fourtth fairy structures in our house.

The Cottage: The "Cottage Fairies"... on the shed.

Porch: Fall 2006 a Jack-o-Cottage appeared on our porch. AGAIN in 2007 and 2008!

Google: Google's Ann Arbor building has a fairy door in the "Ann Arbor" conference room.

Sweetwaters Café: Sweetwaters is the first location of fairy doors outside of our own house.

Peaceable Kingdom: Probably the most amazing of the fairy locations.

Selo-Shevel Gallery: The gallery has a fairy door on the outside and a fairy window inside.

Jefferson Market: The market HAD an exterior fairy door and an interior door opposite.
The doors at this location vanished. The EXTERIOR door REappeared... higher.
The Jefferson Market is now closed and the fairy doors have left altogether.

Ann Arbor Framing Company: The Framing Company's fairy door was surrounded by an ornate frame. When the Framing Company closed, the fairy door vanished.

The Ark (page 1): The Ark's has a fairy entrance and an interactive self-serve ticket window.
Also features a lesson in ticket taking technique.

The Ark (page 2): More Ark news and pictures.

Ticket Sales: Here you can see a chart of the ticket "sales".

Lakewood Elementary: Not surprisingly there is a fairy door in a kindergarten classroom.

Voilà: Was a fashion boutique with fairy door inside and window. When Voilà closed, the fairy door and windows vanished too.

Ann Arbor District Library: The urban fairies seem to be drawn to books and stories..

Wingback-duckfoot fairy chair: The furniture within.

Nicola's Books: Literary fairies in the mantle of this great book store.

Goblin Door?: Similar to what we have seen as urban fairy doors, but different...

Fairy Doors Hither & Yon 1: 1st Collection of photos & info of fairy doors beyond my scope.

Fairy Doors Hither & Yon 2: 2nd Collection of photos & info of fairy doors beyond my scope.

ISR stairwell fairy door: A niche in the vast complex of the University of Michigan.

Viking Sewing Center: A fuzzy fairy door west of Ann Arbor.

2nd Ward Building: A curious space in a historic building downtown Ann Arbor.

Fairies of Brighton: Fairies have been taking up residence in a variety of spaces in Brighton, Michigan.

Kay Wilson DDS: The home of THE Tooth Fairy? A Tooth Fairy? You decide.

TOUR MAP: Letter Size Tour Map.

FAQs: Questions asked and answered.

MAKING CONTACT: Links to e-mail contacts.

OBSERVATIONS: Sightings, observing observers, journal entries and more.

SIGHTINGS!1: 1st collection of Photographic evidence of fairies and personal accounts.

SIGHTINGS!2: 2nd collection of Photographic evidence of fairies and personal accounts.

Fairy Car: A fairy invention: The UFO Cumooter 2006 Vernors powered vehicle.

SIGHTINGS!3: 3rd collection of Photographic evidence of fairies and personal accounts.

FLAT-FAIRY SIGHTINGS! (pg1): Photographic evidence of just FLAT fairies.

FLAT-FAIRY SIGHTINGS! (pg2): More photographic evidence of just FLAT fairies.

VISIONS-1st Gallery: A gallery of llustrations of fairies.

VISIONS-2nd Gallery: Another gallery of llustrations of fairies.

Journals/Guestbooks: I have left journal/guestbooks at several locations to gather more information & to spark some participation and imagination.

Fairy Droppings #1: People of all ages have left various curious objects for the fairies.

Fairy Droppings #2: I had to break up the pages for quicker loading.

Fairy Droppings #3: I had to break up the pages for quicker loading.

Fairy Droppings #4: I had to break up the pages for quicker loading.

Fairy Droppings #5: I had to break up the pages for quicker loading.

Fairy Finders #1: The 1st batch of photographs of people looking for the fairies.

Fairy Finders #2: The 2nd batch of photographs of people looking for the fairies.

Fairy Finders #3: The 3rd batch of photographs of people looking for the fairies.

Fairy Finders #4: The 4th batch of photographs of people looking for the fairies.

In the News ~ PRINT: Articles in Newspapers and magazines.

The Washington Post: My wife and I were interviewed about the fairy doors by a staff writer for the travel section of The Washington Post. The piece ran Sunday 4.23.2006 ...The Web version ran Saturday, 4.22.2006. A Pile of papers picked it up.

The Ann Arbor News: Several articles and spots have been published about the Urban Fairies in the Ann Arbor News.

The Old Westside News: The OWS News published a short, true story about Urban Fairies as well as an article about our family and home.

The Ann Arbor Observer: The Observer ran a series of fairy doors as the mystery photos for the "I Spy" feature.

The Michigan Daily: A photo spot appeared in the October 14th edition.

MetroParent Magazine: A great article in a local FREE magazine.

The Toledo Blade: A really nice article in the Sunday, August 4, 2006 edition.

The Jackson Citizen Patriot: Westward ho! January 23, 2008... urban Fairies (?) move west?

In the News RADIO: Broadcasts on Radio.

NPR: A radio interview with Detroit Public Radio WDET 101.9FM. Aired TUESDAY, MAY 9, 2006 on NPR "Day to Day" program 1pm WUOM 91.7FM 2pm WDET 101.9FM (it's archived).

In the News TELEVISON: Television spots.

CTN TV Channel 19: Channel 19 ran a fun feature for a week on the Urban Fairy phenomenon.

FOX2NEWS: Did a spot on Urban Fairy phenomenon.

BLOGchatter: What some other people are saying and showing on the Internet.

The Wall Street Journal: The Wall Street Journal (on-line) sees urban fairies.

Awards: When people have nothing to do, they hand out PRIZES!!

Chameleon Award: A fun honor bestowed via mysterious connections and convolutions of the internet.

Golden Paintbrush Award: An award bestowed thru the Ann Arbor Comission on Art in Public Places (CAPP).

Golden Paintbrush Award: the Award itself.

STUFF to GET: Fun things you can buy for giggles and to help me continue my investigations.

BOOK REPORT: Updates on the books we are writing and illustrating will be posted here.

Who's Behind the Fairy Doors: A sneek peek at the creation of first book from Urban Fairies Operations.

WILDLIFE: Close encounters with the animal kingdom. Nothing to with fairies... I think.

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