The Fireplace.
The 2nd Original Fairy Door. |
The Fireplace was quite the project. My wife has always wanted a fireplace so I spent considerable time planning this one. It is a zero-clearance 99% efficient gas unit , but we wanted the mantel to look traditional. I built a false chimney to help the effect and to minimize the apparent intrusion of the box into the room. These are some of my preparatory sketches. We found 3 art tiles at The Ann Arbor Art Center and the balance of the tiles are porcelain tiles. We used only ONE box and the two scrap pieces turned up as the fairy door stoop!
I made a HUGE mess which lasted for weeks... one of those projects where I got out every tool I own. No sign of any fairies at this point. Yes, that is a real zebra head on the wall. No, I did not kill it. Apparently zebras in Africa are a bit like deer here and occasionaly the herds need thinning.
This is the morning that the girls found the fairy door in the fireplace. Delaney exclaimed' "look! it's their trash day!". Indeed there was a small bag full of sawdust and scraps of weensie molding, tiles and wood just outside their door.
The fairies have taken just as much care in their space. There is a miniature fireplace within. A curving stair leads to a balconey with another door. To the right on the first floor there is a door which leads to a room beyond with a checkered floor. Sometimes there is a light on in the far room.
There is quite a bit to see inside.
2006 Christmas tree.
The Fireplace is just to the left and back. It's funny, when I took the picture, I didn't see the pink, blue and green lights. My camera must be outa wack. We only put up white lights. |
FLAT FAIRIES come calling. |
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This is where it (fairy doors) all began the concept, the phenomenon. This site is all about the Fairy Doors in Ann Arbor, Michigan (the original fairy doors) and what illustrator, Jonathan b. Wright , certified fairyologist, discovers about them. It includes photographs of the Fairy Doors, comments in the Fairy Journals, Observations and speculations about the Fairies. Tiny Doors, Urban Fairies®, Faery, Faeries, Fairy, Fairies, miniature doors, tiny doors, little doors, tiny fairy doors, little fairy doors, little faery doors, tiny faery doors, weensy doors, Sweetwaters Coffee & Tea, Peaceable Kingdom, Jefferson Market, The Ark, The Ann Arbor Framing Company, Selo Shevel Gallery, Lakewood Elementary Kindergarten, Fairy ticket window, Found Gallery, Mott Children's Hospital, The Michigan Theater, Google Offices, Nicola's Books, Found Gallery, Flying Pumpkin Cottage, fairy entrances, fairy windows, fairy spaces, fairy store, fairy shop, Flat Fairies, Clarence the Bridge Troll, fairy droppings. The site will be updated frequently with new excerpts from the Fairy Journals, New fairy sightings, Specifics about each location a fairy map. Any new knowledge of the fairy activity will be passed along by Jonathan. Also on this site are some hidden fairy surprises and a list of Frequently Asked Questions about Fairies. There is a brief history of how Jonathan became involved with the Urban Fairies®. There are links to local publications about the Urban Fairy® phenomenon. Jonathan is currently writing several books on the fairies in collaboration with his wife, Kathleen, who coincidentally has found a fairy door in her kindergarten classroom. Hopefully it will be fun and informative to come back and see what's new with the Urban Fairies of Ann Arbor.
of the turn of the (last) century
since 1993