Jefferson Market
609 West Jefferson
Jefferson Market
609 West Jefferson
(across from Bach School)
Jefferson Market was the cutest neighborhood gourmet restauraunt/convienience/toy store in town.
Sadly, the Market had to close as of
October 2007
Exterior Door
first seen
June 9, 2005
Inside Door
Curious minds operate curious hands. This door has been inadvertantly broken at least 3 times. I would think that if that continues these fairies will move on.
Recently fixed with 3 hinges
NOW the outer door is Broken!
I took this photo on April 4, 2006
Apparently there are some abandoned children running around the neighborhood! Or maybe they are just unsupervised and/or undisciplined...?
It's been fixed (again)
I'd been avoiding going by Jefferson Market,because I found the damage too depressing... Then I discover it only got worse! The OUTER door was once again vandalized.
So...both inner AND out fairy doors damaged at the same time.
The inner door is repaired and reinforced...looking a bit more like a barricade.
When opened it is plain to see that the outer door is still broken...
I peeled back the cardboard to take this shot. One of the employees aptly put it;
"The fairy doors are looking pretty ghetto"
I thought that it looked abandoned.
Even the Journal/guestbook get vandalized.
The Jefferson Market fairies move on.
No sign that there was a door.
Likewise on the inside...
No sign that there was a door.
I was pretty bummed, this morning that the doors had to vanish. While I was at the Market a man passing by commented; "Too bad the fairies didn't take better care of their stuff."
My reply was, "I think it must be pretty tough when you are only six inches tall."
I think A better retort would have been; "Too bad parents don't take better care of their children." ... but that sounds pretty bitter and cynical. (though that is how I feel right now).
I think that "the other cheek (north and south) has been turned" (east and west) enough such that all are quit pink.
I hope that fairies are as forgiving as I would like to be.
I wonder if someone tore down my house... how many times I would rebuild. Even if it was an accident every time. Why build next door to the clumsy giant?
Forged fairy notes inside and out.
The notes read:
"The Fairies have gone on vacation
But we'll be back with a brand NEW DOOR soon!"
"VACATION"!? Seems their "vacation" has been spent repairing damaged doors, then making them vanish without a trace.
Now what kind of message would that note be giving?:
"Oh it's ok! We understand you have a destructive compulsion along with a naturally inquistive mind...so it's actually healthy for you to jam your fist into someone else's home with no consequences. Sure...bust it up all you like... we'll just keep fixing. NAH...how about we make a 'better' door for you to try and rip off its hinges? Maybe we should make a cup of coffee for your parents while you do."
I feel pretty certain that if a "new door" appears... it won't be 'soon'. May not even be the same fairies...if it is, I really doubt they would build in the same accessible spot. Fairies may be naive, but I don't think they are stupid.
Do I sound annoyed? I am.
I'll get over it.
Just so people are clear about this:
I think the Jefferson Market is a great place! I also think there is good reason why it would be attractive to fairies. If I was a fairy, I'd probably want to live there. On the flip side, I can also understand high tailing it out... it's might be like building next to the Grand Canyon... a fantsatic location but it might be wiser to be back a bit from the edge. OR having an Ocean-side home...after a few huricanes, pehaps building a bit inland with sturdier materials would make sense. It is only natural to live and learn. I sure HOPE there is rebuilding.
Last night Delaney and I saw the fairy door in it's relocated (much safer) location.
look UP.
I knew the urban fairies liked
Jefferson Market.
Unfortunately, someone did not like the urban fairies at Jefferson Market:
This happened back in July of 2007.
I did not post the pictures at that time, because I did not care to give the vandals credit. A police report was filed and evidence gathered...
It does not matter much that someone made the effort to climb up on the roof and reach over to light the fairy door on fire and write
"Lucky rules" & "Ian Rules"
on the door...
Jefferson Market closed its doors October 2007 and along with the closing, the fairy door has vanished.
APRIL 2008
The Jefferson Market has REOPENED as:
The Jefferson Market and Cakery!
There is something LIKE an urban fairy door inside.
It is definitely a different fairy or group of fairies than the original, but nice to see something there again!
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This is where it (fairy doors) all began the concept, the phenomenon. This site is all about the Fairy Doors in Ann Arbor, Michigan (the original fairy doors) and what illustrator, Jonathan b. Wright , certified fairyologist, discovers about them. It includes photographs of the Fairy Doors, comments in the Fairy Journals, Observations and speculations about the Fairies. Tiny Doors, Urban Fairies®, Faery, Faeries, Fairy, Fairies, miniature doors, tiny doors, little doors, tiny fairy doors, little fairy doors, little faery doors, tiny faery doors, weensy doors, Sweetwaters Coffee & Tea, Peaceable Kingdom, Jefferson Market, The Ark, The Ann Arbor Framing Company, Selo Shevel Gallery, Lakewood Elementary Kindergarten, Fairy ticket window, Found Gallery, Mott Children's Hospital, The Michigan Theater, Google Offices, Nicola's Books, Found Gallery, Flying Pumpkin Cottage, fairy entrances, fairy windows, fairy spaces, fairy store, fairy shop, Flat Fairies, Clarence the Bridge Troll, fairy droppings. The site will be updated frequently with new excerpts from the Fairy Journals, New fairy sightings, Specifics about each location a fairy map. Any new knowledge of the fairy activity will be passed along by Jonathan. Also on this site are some hidden fairy surprises and a list of Frequently Asked Questions about Fairies. There is a brief history of how Jonathan became involved with the Urban Fairies®. There are links to local publications about the Urban Fairy® phenomenon. Jonathan is currently writing several books on the fairies in collaboration with his wife, Kathleen, who coincidentally has found a fairy door in her kindergarten classroom. Hopefully it will be fun and informative to come back and see what's new with the Urban Fairies of Ann Arbor.
of the turn of the (last) century
since 1993